School Day
Assemblies are held in phase year groups on Monday and Friday, with "in-class" assemblies on other days of the week. These are non-denominational and focus on learning; values; key events within school, the community and wider World. A range of staff and Learners lead our assemblies.
Celebration Assembly on Friday include awards linked to House Points which are given to Learners who make curriculum progress using their Learning Powers; for reading and sporting achievements, as well as birthdays and attendance.
School starts at 8:50am, but the doors open at 8:40am so that learners can enter school calmly and start a challenge activity in class. Learners arriving after 8:50am need to be taken to the main office.
Each day comprises of six and a half hours, totalling thirty two and half hours per week.
At lunchtime Learners can have a school meal or bring a packed lunch.
All school meals are cooked on the premises and there is a choice of at least two hot meals. A school lunch costs £2.40 per day.
For parents who are not employed and receive certain benefits, your child may be eligible for a free school meal. You can check this by phoning the School Office. All you need to provide is your National Insurance Number and date of birth.
If eligible, your child will receive a free lunch each day.
School finishes at 3:20p.m.
All Learners should be collected from the Main Yard by their parents / carers, who should enter through the main gate and leave via the side gate (in order to facilitate a free flow).
In Year 5 and Year 6, parents can sign a School proforma to give permission for their child to walk home unaccompanied. Children walking home are supervised leaving the school gates by school staff
All other Learners are handed over to their parent / carer by the class teacher or LSA.
Parents are encouraged to make every effort to get their child / children into school every day. Missed days are missed opportunities for learning. Children’s attendance is monitored closely and parents are kept informed of any concerns regarding their child's attendance. These can be in the form of: phone calls, letters and meetings. In the meetings, targets are set and reviewed on a six weekly basis. If no improvement is seen, support will be sought from Lancashire County Council (LCC).
Each week the class with the highest attendance in both KS1 and KS2 receives a class award. Attendance for each individual class is updated on the attendance page of the website, weekly. On the monthly newsletter, the monthly attendance for each class is recorded.
We encourage all children to have an attendance of 97% and above.
Punctuality plays a key role in every learners education. If a child is 5 minutes late every day, three whole days of learning are lost that academic year.
Any child arriving after 8:50am must report to The Office, and will receive a late mark (L). Any child arriving after 9:15am, without a valid reason, will receive an unauthorized (U) mark. Parents are regularly updated with any concerns about children's punctuality and the appropriate action is taken. (Phone Call/ Letter/ Meetings).
If your child is ill please ring school on the first day of the illness before 9am, (and each subsequent day thereafter), to provide a reason for the absence... or you will receive a call from the Office Staff. It is essential that dentist and / or medical appointments are made out of school hours, (where possible).
When your child is ill at school, or has an accident, the office team will contact you. As part of the first aid response system a First Aider will assess the child's injury and, where necessary, parents / carers may be asked to come into school so that any necessary follow-up actions can be undertaken.
Any child who has a bump to the head or nose receives first aid and parents / carer's are informed of this by a phone call and letter that day.
Parents must ensure that all contact details provided are up-to-date: home address; mobile, home and work phone number, as well as a reserve contact number.
The Office must be informed immediately when any of these contact details change.
School will not authorise extended leave or holidays during in term time.
Should there be exceptional circumstances and parents / carer's need to apply for leave during term time, they must contact school to arrange an appointment with the Head of School and Attendance Officer. (No flights must be booked prior to attending this meeting in School).
Parents / carers who still chose to take children out of school during term time will be issued (by the Local Authority) with a fixed penalty notice. If parent /carer's fail to pay this fixed penalty, this could lead to court prosecution.
LCC policy will be followed and any unauthorised absence will be reported to the Local Authority.
Communication between home and school is essential to support learning. We are keen to foster positive relationships to ensure that the outcome for all learners is the best we can give them.
If a parent or carer has a problem or concern relating to their child, contact the class teacher through Seesaw, or contact the office to make an appointment to meet with the class teacher.
When there is an unresolved problem, and the class teacher has already been spoken with, an appointment can be made through the School Office to meet with the Assistant Heads: Mrs. Holden (Year 3 & 4) or Mr. Heseldon (Year 5 & 6)
Should the problem be serious or still go unresolved, then ring the Office Staff who will make an appointment to meet with the Head of School Mrs Spokes.
Our Inclusion Team are always available to provide support throughout.